Gifts supplier uae - Mustang Trading llc featured in the leading gulf news paper The National.

UAE National Day done and dusted — now what to do with ‘42’ merchandise?

There are two types of branding, one that is engraved and the other that we can make in-house and we keep 300 to 500 pieces in stock and we can meet the demand as it rises," said Lenny Ferreira, the director of Mustang Trading. "Therefore we did not have much wastage. We have been left with some stock balance on the engraved badge but when we look at what we have sold it is negligible. When we saw what we would be left with, two weeks before National Day, with each order we gave four to five pieces of "42" branded stock just to keep goodwill. We knew it was too late and it would probably go to waste and could not be used for next year, so we used it to build our company."

Read More in The National news on UAE National day gift suppliers